
How to Choose a Remodeling Contractor

How to Choose a Remodeling Contractor

At first glance, it would seem like the easiest way to find a remodeling contractor would be to just Google them. Of course if you did so, you’ll probably find more than enough candidates to choose from. And surely they must be the right ones for the job, because their website says so, right? Truth is, their online presence may be a helpful tool in your search, but it doesn’t provide the whole picture. When it comes to finding a contractor to remodel your home, some of the older methods are still the best. First off, ask friends, relatives and...

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Contractor Tips to Improving Productivity in Their Employees

Contractor Tips to Improving Productivity in Their Employees

Improving the productivity of employees in the contractor business can mean a couple different things. From project planning to employee morale, productivity can be affected by many factors. These hold true for large construction companies as well as individually owned local contractors. But the end result is that the company must pay its employees’ salaries, cover the overhead expenses and ultimately earn a profit. To do this, much attention should be spent on ways to improve productivity. Increased productivity can benefit the contractor in many ways. The projects are completed more quickly and the costs are lowered. This allows for...

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When to Know If It’s Time for Siding Replacement

When to Know If It’s Time for Siding Replacement

Siding is an essential part of a building’s structure, providing both protection from the elements as well as aesthetic appeal. As siding ages and becomes worn, however, it becomes less effective and needs to be replaced. Recognizing the signs of ineffective siding is important for homeowners to be able to plan for siding replacement before poor siding leads to more extensive damage and problems. Signs Your Home Needs New Siding Few homeowners think much about their siding, but like our own healthy skin, siding is a building’s skin that protects it from outside influences. There are many clues that may...

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Home Cleanup After the Holidays

Home Cleanup After the Holidays

The holidays are a crazy, busy time, but it is only after the guests have left, the decorations are put away, and the schedule gets back to normal that you may realize just how messy these special occasions can be, especially to your flooring. With the right care and attention, however, you can easily clean up your home after the holidays. How Holidays Make a Mess While you may do special cleaning before the holidays arrive, the celebrations themselves can be incredibly messy. Guests can track in dirt, mud, and slush all over your carpet, tile, and hardwood floors. Gifts...

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Remodeling Ideas for Winter

Remodeling Ideas for Winter

Now that all of the excitement of the holidays has passed, are you starting to feel the winter doldrums creeping in? There’s nothing like that feeling of accomplishment when you finish a home project; yet it may seem difficult to find something to work on this time of year. Why wait until spring before starting your next project? Below, we’ll give some suggestions for getting things done during the cold, short days of winter: Use that basement Since we tend to spend more time indoors this time of year, why not make the most of the space we have? Your...

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